Thursday, April 23, 2015

Let the games begin!

Shiffit (war-forged) - played by Clint
Zyva (gold-dragon-pixie) - played by Ron
Glauca (old man wizard) - played by Maija
Hesperose (human mariner) - played by Scott
Aramil (elven wizard) - played by Eric
Kita (kenku) - played by Shawn

Team Shiffit spends most of the evening discussing the tournament on the Celeste.  The various characters decided to chose challenges that they could individually accomplish and then chose secondary challenges that may possibly need cooperative efforts.

Details about the Madea Invitational:
  • No weapons or tools are allowed in the arena... (someone can attempt to smuggle contra-ban into the arena but there may be consequences.)
  • Each contestant may only possess one flag at a time.
  • Each team starts at the center of a round arena, where the table is located.
  • When a signal horn is blown, the team has 10 rounds to gather as many flags as possible.
  • Each challenge is located around a circle 60' from the table and the adjacent challenges.  (Running and speed flying is double your base move.  This is to scale for the size of our map.  Basically it will take one full round to reach a challenge or the table.  Getting a flag and placing a flag on the table counts as an action.)
  • Eight teams are in the competition.  They each take a turn in the arena.
  • After 10 rounds another signal horn is blown and each team counts the number of flags on the table.  Flags in possession of a contestant but not on the table do not count.
  • The four teams with the most flags advance to the next stage.  The remaining teams go to the loser's couch.
The challenges:
  1. A locked iron box.  A flag is located within.
  2. A well with a bucket and a line of rope.  The flag is located under water.  You will need to be good at swimming and holding your breath.
  3. A thirty foot covered shoot shaped as the letter "C" with hot coals making it difficult and painful terrain.  The flag is pinned to the far wall.
  4. A blink dog with a flag tied around its collar.  It may change its position around the arena as warranted.
  5. A punching bag connected to a contraption.  Punching the bag sends a peg up a runner.  The goal is to ring the bell which will open a box next to the punching bag with a flag inside.  (You cannot open the box in any other way.  You cannot carry the box.)
  6. A 60' high smooth pillar with a one foot diameter.  At the top is a flag tied to a loop.  (It is usually quite gusty at this height at the arena.) 
  7. A 6' square cube with a cylinder 6 inches in diameter hollowed out through the cube.  Half way through the cylinder swings a flag on a pendulum.  There is a post on the far side of the cube.  There is a long bow and arrows located 15' from the front of the cylinder opening.  The bow is tethered to the ground and cannot be moved more the 5' from its original location.
  8. A staircase leading to a 30'x30' pit with an undead humanoid tethered to the wall, by a chain, opposite from the stairs.  There is also a flag pinned to the far wall.  There is a net covering the pit.  (The undead creature is rumored to paralyze any creature it touches.)
  9. A duelist with a flag tied to his/her belt.  The duelist is highly skilled and armed.
  10. Two doors with magic mouths.  They ask you a riddle and then you choose a door.  If you solve the riddle and open the correct door, it opens to reveal a flag.  If you fail the riddle and open the incorrect door, your team loses one flag from the table.
Kita plans to sneak in tools to pick the lock to the iron box.  Zyva seemed nervous about the possibility of getting caught and the ramifications for the whole team.  Hesperose seemed more favorable for taking the risk to get the reward.  Kita would then take on the riddling doors as he has much experience with stories involving riddles and solutions to puzzles of the mind.

Aramil looked deep into his elven heart and chose to take on the archery challenge.  He could have chosen to use arcane powers to assist him but instead decided he will use the innate gifts inherited by his ancestors.  Upon completion he would then go to the well and provide assistance.

Shiffit decides he can overcome the hot coals challenge and then plunge into the well, as he does not need to breathe.  He does mention that he will need some assistance getting out of the well and that others may need to take the flag to the table for him.

Glaucus announced that he would have his servant take the flag from the duelist's belt and then solve the riddles of the doors.  He tried to inspire the team into accomplishing the tasks but came off rather bossy.  He also mentions how great he is at leadership and business ventures.

Zyva decides her strength is flight and speed.  She will soar to the pillar and then using her invisibility she will by-pass the undead creature in the pit.

The party asks what Hesperose will do and he confidently flexes his muscles and says he could win the punching challenge easily.  He could then use his armor to brush off the undead in the pit.  Zyva says she has that challenge covered.  Hesperose then decides he can try to capture the blink dog.  He then sits back, smiling, saying he's got it all figured out.

Shiffit seems quite surprised by the confidence of the team.

The party takes to their bunks while Shiffit travels to the rear deck of the ship jutting out into the water.  He summons an eagle, gives it a command, and plunges into the water.   Thud, Shiffit makes an excellent anchor, face down onto the seafloor.  He sits up and summons a porpoise and asks it to take a rag up to the surface.  The summoned creature does as commanded but by the time it reaches the surface the eagle has dissipated back into the ether.  "Ummm... guys.  I think there is a hole in my plan."

For the rest of the week the team practices their skills and timing.

Alas, the day of the tournament arrives.  The town has been abuzz.  The various teams take to the arena as the party sits in a room until their chance at the event.  Cheers, sneers, boos and chants greet their ears as they wait.  Finally, the team is taken to the center of the arena.  Glaucus says to the team, "Don't let me down."  Shiffit thinks he means he needs a lift and picks the old wizard up.

1. The signal horn is blown and Shiffit drops the old man and quickly trudges toward the tunnel of coals (casting a helpful spell beforehand).  Glaucus, remarkably, lands on his feet and heads toward the duelist.  Zyva has altered her size and zips up toward the pillar.  Hesperose moves to the punching bag contraption.  Kita takes on the locked iron box.  Aramil moves to the bow tethered before giant stone cube.  One can hear, "They're splitting up!"  "That's different."  "Never split the party!" from the crowd.

2. (Initiative is determined)  Zyva successfully hovers over the loop with the flag tied to it and then also successfully unties the knot.  She heads back to the table.  Aramil successfully get the timing of the pendulum with a flag attached inside the hollowed cylinder inside the massive block... but his arrow misses the mark.  Glaucus yells, gyrates and makes demonstrative hand gestures toward the duelist, summoning an invisible servant behind the master swordsman.  The servant however does not retrieve the flag from the duelist's belt.  Kita squawks and flaps his winged arms and secretly retrieves his tools of thievery.  He barely brushes the box and it pops open.  The crowd cheers the silly birdman.  Hesperose punches the bag with all his might and... well, that was odd, the runner goes up the pole and rings the bell.  The box next to him opens and he retrieves the flag and heads back to the table.  The crowd not quite sure what they just saw.  Shiffit walks into the tunnel of hot coals, easily retrieves the flag at the far end, and walks back to the entrance of the tunnel.

3. Zyva gets to the table and sets down the first flag.  "One!" shouts the crowd.  Aramil takes a deep breath and loosens a second arrow.  Perfect timing again and this time pins the flag to the post behind the block.  He goes and pulls out the arrow and takes the flag in hand.  Glaucus shouts at his dimwited summoned servant and this time it works.  The sevant takes the flag from the dumbfounded swordsman and the flag seems to be drawn to Glaucus' outstretched hand.  The crowd cheers, "Way to go old man!"  Kita arrives and the table.  "Two!" as the the spectators cheer.  Hesperose places his flag upon the table.  "Three!" the crowd is getting louder.  Shiffit makes his way to the table.

4. Zyva turns invisible and heads to the pit's entrance.  Aramil makes it to the table.  Glauca, with flag in hand goes to the table.  Kita runs to the doors.  Hesperose goes to the blink dog.  Shiffit places his flag, "Four!"

5. Zyva flutters to the flag, the undead blindly swinging his arms which Zyva is able to avoid and take the flag.  She heads back to the table.  Aramil sets down the flag to a roar of "Five!"  Kita listens to the riddle as both doors say, "One of us always tell the truth and the other always tells a lie.  You may ask one of us one question and then make your choice."  He ponders this as if he has come across this riddle before...  Hesperose kneels down and says, "Here doggy, doggy."  The hound refuses to heed the request.  Shiffit makes his way to the well.

6. Zyva makes it back to the table.  Aramil heads toward the well as well...  Glaucus places the flag down, "Six!"  He heads to the doors.  (Somehow he gets to the doors and tells Kita to get the flag for him.)  Kita asks the door on his right if the other door has the flag.  The door says "No."  He opens the door and the flag is waiting inside.  Hesperose this time pulls some steak out from a pocket and offers it to the blink dog.  The dog remains reluctant to move.  Shiffit takes hold of the rope and plunges into the well.  As he settles on the bottom he feels the flag and successfully unties it from the loop.

7. Zyva turns visible and places the flag, "Seven!"  She heads to the well.  Aramil looks into the well, water still sloshing around from Shiffit's jump.  Glaucus tells Kita, "Run you fool!" in his best Gandalf impression.  Kita does just that and heads to the table.  "Get over here you lousy mut," and Hesperose finally attracts the blink dog to the food in his hand and grasps the flag before the dog can escape with its treat.  He heads to the table.  Shiffit summons a porpoise and instructs it to take the flag to the surface.

8. Zyva attempts to grab the flag from the porpoise and misses, flying into the water instead.  Aramil attempts to grab the flag with a magical hand but misses.  Glaucus strides back to the table with arms up in triumph.  Kita places the flag, "EIGHT!"  Hesperose places his flag, "NINE!"  Shiffit murmurs at the bottom of the well.

9. Zyva zooms out of the well, grasping the flag from the porpoise and streaks to the table.  Aramil looks down into the well as the porpoise fades like smoke.  Glaucus reaches the table egging the crowd to praise him more.  Kita breaks out into a song of joy.  Hesperose just kind of stands there.  His contribution was accomplished.  Shiffit looks up and sees light at the end of the tunnel.  He attempts to go to the light and (rolls a 1) earns an inspiration point for tragically failing to climb anything.

10. Zyva places the final flag on the table.  "TEN!!!" the crowd yells.  Fireworks and such explode above the arena.  The party heads back to their room as the challenges are reset for the next team.

Finally, the party is sent back to the arena with the other teams and the winners are announced.  "Team One, 10 flags!  Team Two, four flags!  Team Three, three flags!  Team four, seven flags.  Team five, 1 flag!  Team Shiffit, 10 flags!  Team Seven, seven flags!  And Team Eight, four flags!"  The dejected teams leave the arena.  The remaining teams receive the applause.  They are then told the next competition will take place in two days.  The theme for this event will be "Cooperation" said in the finest Sesame Street voice.

[DM notes: for challenges with two components I made the first challenge a 12 difficulty and the second a 15 difficulty.  With one challenge the difficulty was 17.  The exception was sneaking thieves tools into the arena, which was difficulty of 5.  The tools are tiny and the crowd is far away.  The "no tools" rule was for larger obvious items such as ladders, breathing tubes, poles and such.  I should have explained how the blink dog was used to being chased from the other competitors so being offered a treat was something different... but oh well.]

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Zyva's Rantings

"My home was the most beautiful forest of olive, fig, palm, apple and juniper.  The gardens of my family were full of amarantos, iris attica, lilium candidum and anemone amungst the fruit trees.  There were white button, morel, and bonnet mushrooms that were so delicious.  I have a few left in my satchel if you want to try one."

"My friend Yaki Button who was older than me, showed me the very special herbs of the forest.  But I can't tell you about them.......  But she is so very clever.  She was a student of one of the elder Pixies and was learning sorcery.  She showed me such fanciful tricks that were much more advanced than the magic my mother taught me.  I was always so much bigger than my kind.  They teased me and played mean tricks. <pout>  But they always apologized.  I miss my family."

"I met the beautiful dragon on the mountain before it erupted.  She was soooo old!  She was very kind to me and we talked for days.  My village was preparing to leave as the tall mountain was rumbling and blowing smoke.  They were going to the Haven across the narrow sea, but I was mad at Yaki Button, so I went up the mountain to explore before we were supposed to leave.  That's when I met the golden dragon.  She told me stories about the mountain and the world beyond.. She told me the storms that came from the west were caused by a giant tower of steam that would erupt spewing water and steam high into the air every three months.  She said that the ocean would just open up and blow steam far beyond the lands of the Etruscans and even further than the lands of the Ship People of man.  She is so magnificent"

"One day she told me that the mountain was about to awaken most violently and that I should take my pack and fly as fast as I could away over the ocean.  She seemed very concerned about me and so I did what she told me and the mountain erupted so high that it darkened the sky and I got lost.  My family is at the havens across the narrow sea.  But I don't know where the havens are.  So I flew until I found this island."

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Background of Hesperose

Upon making a successful gather information check... and taking 20... the party vaguely learns that Hesperose owns the battered ship, Celeste, that he and Glaucus arrived in.  He tells how the two strangers were making arrangements at the docks in Karpothos, his home city, one dark and stormy night.  His crew were in the city, celebrating the ides of Panamos, a period when the seas are stormy.  They celebrate as this is basically a vacation for them.  In between the cracks of thunder, a louder sound was heard along with the shaking of the ground.  The majestic mount Menetes had become a pillar of ash and huge globs of lava were tossed out upon the land.

Hesperose guided Glaucus on how to prepare the ship to disembark.  Caught between a volcano and a storm, the Celeste miraculously stayed afloat.  As the storm intensified, the ship began taking damage.  With no way to control the ship and days of starvation all seemed lost for the duo.

Hesperose says that he mostly did merchant business with cities to the east of Karpothos and is not familiar with the lands to the west or north.  He has not heard of Madea before but he thinks he has heard of the oracle of Premulus as a child.  Maybe it was a mix up between a tale of an oracle and Romulus...  He dismisses the question saying he does not put his faith in the hands of prophets or gods.  He and he alone writes his own story.

He sometimes seems gruff, other times cocky.  He definitely likes to talk about battles and cursing the gods.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Shiffit's Backgroud -that has been shared so far....

Shiffit appears as a tall humoid, nearly skeletal in thinness.  It has a powerfull looking frame, but the tissues around the frame looke severely atrophied, desicated.  Tarnished bronze plates cover its body with bands of green verdigris shot through the bronze.  Beneath the plates one can spy red black ropey, tree root like material.  Many would consider Shiffits countenance as unnerving; No mouth, and black hallows where eyes should be, and two vertical slits for a nose.

Shiffit meet Fiaona while walking down a country lane.  A farmer was throwing objects at hand at a tawny yellow dog.  A touch of brindel, long snout, and overly large triangle ears tell the story of a true, Mutt.  The farmer was yelling Fie! Fie! Fie on you, you cursed beast.  The dog was very hungry and it was just one chicken.  Shiffit thought this was no way to treat a life form and invited Fiona to join him.  With tail wagging happily, they walked on together.

Shiffit tells the party that he was helping some nice people build a temple, by shaping white stone blocks.  After a indeterminate amount of time a very nice man with pure white hair told me that it was time for me to go, and that i would meet friends and have my questions answered.  He drew a circle on the ground and had me step it.  The circle glowed white and smelled of mint, then i was standing on the beach and saw the boat roll in.

I ask, are you my friends;  and what are my questions?

"Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."-Reece
;by Reece NOT SHIFFIT:  but too good not to re-post.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

It began on a beach.

It began on a beach.  It was a quiet day, not like the previous two weeks.  Strong winds, storms and quakes had dominated the world but now all was calm again.  The the ides of Panamos had finally ended and the season of Thesmophorios had begun.  Upon this beach a creature phases into existence.

Shiffit, a bronze warforged behemoth of a humanoid, materializes along with a large canine companion, Fiona.  Once completely formed, Fiona starts running around Shiffit in circles of excitement.  Shiffit slowly scans his surroundings enjoying the sights of the land and plant life.  Trees and bushes greet him from the north with mountains looming behind them.  The sea to the south brings with it a cool breeze, not that Shiffit could feel.  He notices a trail leading into the thicket from the beach.  Then, Fiona starts barking at the waves.  A boat lazily approaches the shoreline.

Shiffit watches as the boat softly beaches itself, unguided except by the waves, into the sand.  Shiffit stares silently as Fiona loses attention and sniffs her new surroundings.

Shiffit is not the only eyes to have noticed the derelict vessel.  Zyva, a golden pixie, spies the ship as she explores her new environment.  She flutters toward the coast and abruptly halts when she sees the giant metal figure on the beach.

After a good long time, Shiffit wanders toward the ship, curious as to what it is.  He attempts to climb the side of the ship and magnificently rolls a natural 1.  Womp!  Shiffit is embedded into the sand, slowly flailing like a beetle on its back.  "Teeheeheeheehee!" cries the pixie.  Shiffit rises to his feet and attempts to locate the source of this sound.  He rumbles toward the foliage to investigate.  

Zyva, clearly invisible... takes the opportunity of Shiffit's new location to fly over and look inside the boat herself.  She discovers two humans passed out upon the deck of the ship.  One man in golden armor and the other, a much older man with grey hair wearing a fine royal garb.  She attains some seawater and dumps it upon their heads.  Glaucus the Seer is unaffected but Hesperose bolts to attention, confused but alert.  He stands up and rolls a natural 1 spot check completely unaware of Shiffit.  He awakens Glaucus and tries to learn how the seawater jumped up on the boat and into his face.

 Glaucus regains some composure and dust off his clothes.  "Food, food.  I require sustenance," he orders.  It is then that Hesperose realizes they have come upon land and quickly descends a rope ladder onto the beach.  He finally discovers that he is not alone on this shore.  He raises his shield and sword in a threatening way toward the warforged.  "What sort of creature do you be?" he fumbles out after the sudden shock of viewing the heaping figure.  Shiffit turns his head and then his entire body to face the soldier squarely.

"Are you my friend?" the warforged questions putting up a hand as a greeting.

"Are you my enemy?" the man in gold replies, inching forward with sword ready to stab forward.

"Wait!  Wait!  Wait!" Zyva yells, trying to halt the hostility of the human.  "He is good.  There is no trouble here."

"Get your voice out of my head you bewitching monster!" "Drop your weapon!" Hesperose orders once he notices a scimitar and club on the metal hulk.  Shiffit stares as a reply.  Fiona sits by Shiffit's side, happily panting with tail a wagging.

Zyva becomes visible and tries to position herself between the two men of metal.

Glaucus by this time has decided to look upon the island and sees the three on the beach.  "Food... food.  Do you have food and drink?"

"Yes, yes!  We can all eat and drink and be friends," Zyva quickly replies.  Hesperose heeds his grumbling stomach and agrees to parlay, still wary of mighty humanoid's movements.

After some discussion about how they are all somewhat lost the humans request the pixie to find a settlement, which confuses the warforged.  "We need food, and supplies, and women," Hesperose replies.  "Yes, the women!" Glaucus agrees.  Before departing, Hespersose goes back aboard the ship to secure what little is left on the ship.  Shiffit tries to assist but, bam, another natural 1.  Climbing is not his strong suit.

It turns out the trail leads to the nearby wood elf town of Madea.  The town is abuzz with energy and the party learns of an upcoming invitational in which a winning team is allowed access to the Oracle at Premulus, a port city on the far side of the island.

The party goes to a nearby tavern.  Glaucus and Hespersose quickly find an open table and order food and drink.  Shiffit stands in the doorway.  His experience is that of having food or insult thrown his way in such places.  The crowded tavern becomes deeply silent but no one challenges the warforged.  They slowly go back to conversations keeping an eye on the metallic creature that slowly lumbers to the table.  

"Welcome strangers,"  as Aramil, the elf, introduces himself.  Glaucus and Hesperose erringly attempt to order food from Aramil.  Aramil corrects them and points out the service in this bar is horrible, saying he has been there two hours waiting for just a simple glass of water.

The party asks Aramil, who has been in town for an unknown amount of time, about the Madea Invitational.  He shares what knowledge he has and announces that he is a wizard.  Glaucus says that he knew that.  He professes to be an prophet to which Hesperose retorts, "Ha!  You can't tell the future.  Karpothos has been destroyed.  You said I would father five children in Karpothos and I have none"

"That you know of..." Glaucus responds knowingly.

Eventually Zyva points out that most teams consist of six members and currently the party stand at five.  She asks Aramil if he knows anyone who may add more "diversity" to the group, as is the suggested theme of the Invitational.  "A diverse group can handle many unforeseen situations."

Aramil asks the party to wait at this jovial, cordial and all around elven bar as he travels across town into a less inviting and sortid tavern.  Here he finds his acquaintance, Kita the kenku, slamming a shot, taking the glass on the tip of his beak and wrenching his neck back like a stork swallowing a fish.  Kita agrees to join the team in order to meet with the oracle of Premulus.

They all meet up at the original bar and decide they should enter the tournament ASAP since only eight teams are allowed to compete.

As they near the entrance to the King's hall, they spot a group of six humanoids walking to the entrance from the other direction.  They quicken their pace as does the opposing group.  It increases until both are at a sprint to the entryway.

Failure!  The other group easily enters the hall before the party. The guards at the entrance bar the entryway with crossed spears.  "The eighth team has entered.  No other teams may enter."  The party, dejected, plead their case upon deaf ears.  Kita, not one to be ignored, plumes his feathers and squawks an elaborate mating dance.  The King sends a messenger to the entrance to investigate the commotion.  All over the great hall Elven heads strain out to see what is at the door.

The King allows the two parties to stand before him and make their case as the final competing team for the invitational.  The party points out how diverse they are compared to the other team consisting of only humans and elves.  The competing team points out that these strangers are unproven and may be an embarrassment and a waste of time to the tournament.  "We deserve to be the final team."  To which Kita sharply mimics, "We deserve to be the final team."  The audience erupts in laughter.

"As the King of Madea Thicket, I decree these strangers to be the final team entry for the Madea Invitational.  What is the name of your team?" asks the monarch.

The party, dumbfounded in silence, look at each other without an answer.  Then Zyva proudly decrees, "Team Shiffit!"

Shiffit - played by Clint
Zyva - played by Ron
Glauca - played by Maija
Hesperose - played by Scott
Aramil - played by Eric
Kita - played by Shawn

[All images are from google image searches for "warforged," "sail ships," "athenian general," "city in the trees" and "kenku."  They will be replaced with original artwork in the future.]