Clarity- Mija
Hesperose- Scott
Kita- Shawn (not present)
Shiffit- clint-Currently running the game.
Zyva- Ron
Billet- Steve
Iris- Mark G.
Yaher- NPC
Mija is once more cajoled into the reading of the last blog, and once again is over come with emotion.
Back in the town of Miocena, the party
attempts to convince the town leaders to send a peace delegation up
the mountain to meet with Sherman. The town leader point out a rich
cultural history of ignoring the monster at the top of the mountain
and how well this has worked out for them, and the fact that the
party “the winners of the Elven Games” are the first people to
come back down the mountain. After a few days of helping out with
the work on the wall and fixing the boat most of the party heads back
up the mountain to talk with Sherman the really big 'Ogre' They find
Sherman playing his mountian-digeredoo and they have a nice chat
about his eons on the mountain top; his memories of his creation, how
the mountain was an active volcanic, and his years of music and cloud
study. The party is unable to convince Sherman to go down to the
village of Miocena, Sherman points out his rich cultural history of
people coming up the mountain to try to kill him. While party
members are talking with Sherman, Clarity excuses her self the the
Loo, and goes to Sherman's' Loo. She then tosses in the thick gold
coins, that are used in the rituals of the temple, that she stole
when she made her escape from the Temple of the Oracle. The DM finds
this far more entertaining than Mija, as he knows that the priests of
the temple want their oracle back and have been using the coins to
scry and track “their oracles” location.
They party heads back to the Celeste
and finds that Aramil has been become more and more ill. The giant
spider poison working its way deeper into tissues. Since coming back
to the Celeste he has not risen from his bunk, and is increasingly
feverish. After a few more days of working around the village
Clarity goes and asks the village priests if they can heal Aramil,
which they promptly do. Aramil thanks the party for finally getting
him some help. He then heads off into town to revel in life, that he
felt slipping away for so many days. (The players then have a
discussion on moral relativism.)
A few nights later the party hears
horns in the distance and sees the town of Miocena arming for battle.
The party girds for war. Then waits, and waits some more. After an
hour Hesperose decides he has had enough waiting and heads off into
the night. Bilet, Shiffit, Zyva and Iris follow after Hesperose.
Clarity, Yaher and Kita chose to hold the boat, Clarity then
endeavors to try to figure out the ballista on the Celeste, and
notices that Aramil is M.I.A. The party heading off into the night
reaches the partially built wall of the town and finds slingers up on
the finished sections and hopolites attempting to fill the gaps. It
is a dark night, screams and horns are heard beyond the walls. The
Miocenaens explain that the horns warn everyone that they are under
attack. Then everyone in the country side races to the town for
mutual defense. Hesperose asks after the individuals that can not
out run the attackers, and the villagers and the party members share
and uncomfortable silence. The screams are getting closer to the
walls and a smattering of terrified people are running into the
village for protection. Hesperose, apparently fed up with the
waiting again, marches off toward the screams. The towns folk yell
out “hold the line”, “were are you going?” and “don't be
and idiot”, Hesperose marches on. With slight hesitation Bilet
follows Hesperrose, with Significantly more hesitation Zyva, Iris and
Shiffit head out as well. Bilet and hesperose form a two person
phalanx, Iris readies her bow, Zyva stays invisible and flies over
head, Shiffit stands besides Iris and is concerned about what might
happen. The mounted creatures of darkness appear out of the night,
chasing down the fleeing civilians.
The creatures of darkness are mounted on
trasmorgified creatures of darkness, who have grown to medium size,
run on all fours, have much larger claws and fangs and have become
more feral and bestial. The smattering of mounted units see the
token force that is out from the wall and attack. The party defeats
the mounted units and learn that the tranmorgified creatures of
darkness are much more “worthy” opponents. Hesperose and Bilet
both take significant wound, and Shiffit uses up his healing powers
in an effort to keep them upright.
From out in the darkness a booming
amplified voice is heard encouraging his troops onward, and shaking
the hearts of the defenders, shouting out such lines as; “Death to
all who oppose us”, “You do not know pain. You do not know
hunger. Tonight you feast on man flesh.” and “We will cleans
this island and claim it for our lord of darkness.” When the
first sixty members of the invading force are see, marching out of
the darkness the party members fall back to the wall. Except for
Hesperose, who pulls his shoulder behind his shield and marches
towards the leader, becoming a phalanx of one. Hesperose defeats a
few of the first creatures of darkness that cross his path. The
leader then sees the would be hero and commands his troops to let him
pass, so he can meet such a worthy foe himself. Zyva starts plinking
at leader type with sleep arrows, all of which he resists. A badly
wounded Hesperose finally stands before the leader, who is mounted on
a transmorgified creatures of darkness. A few rounds latter
Hesperose is bleeding on the ground unconscious. Zyva then changes
tactics and shoots at the mount, who fails its save and falls
unconscious. Zyva then becomes visible and challenges the leader, in
an effort to keep him from killing Hesperose outright. The leader
then unleashes some of his divine might on Zyva, slightly damaging
her and stunning her causing her to fall to the ground. The leader
priest fails to finish off Zyva, who then flies away invisible. The
leader then gets back to the business of rallying his troops to and
striking fear into his foes, charging into the village. Zyva then
flies back to the bleeding Hesperose and heals him in the nick of
In the mean time, the troops manning
and filling in the gaps in the wall, fail to hold and fall back to
form up in the village. Iris, Shiffit, and Billet fall back to the
Celeste. It is pointed out at this time that the Celeste is not so
much of a boat, but more of a raised platform. The sides of the hull
are stacked in piles around the boat so the broken knees can be
repaired. A plank is over the side of the deck to the beach below
and there is a stair way from the open hold to the cabins aft of the
main deck. Kita, Yaher and Clarity are still on deck. Clarity and
Yaher have managed to get one of the Ballistas loaded. Iris and
Shiffit walk up the plank to the deck. Billet takes up defensive
posture at the bottom of the plank. Iris encourages the remaining
party members to go and aid the fight in the village. Others point
out that the deck is a good defensive position. Clarity points out
that it would be an even better defensive position if the plank was
pulled up. The debate continues, and Clarity continues to encourage
the party members to pull up the plank. Many rounds latter a squad
of baddies appears at the edge of the torch light. Bilet blasts them
with her divine might, and retreats to the top of the plank. Two
mounted units and their mounts survive Bilet's attack and charge.
One heads up the plank and attacks Billet. The other investigates
the open hold. Shiffit moves to hold the door closed that leads from
the cabins to the deck, the rest of the party starts firing into the
attacking beastie on the plank. Bilet, being already significantly
wounded lasts only a few rounds and falls to the deck, the attacking
beastie and rider fall shortly after. Shiffit then kneels down to
try to stabilize Bilet and finds that Death has already claimed her.
Clarity then asks who is holding the door? Shiffit saddened by the
loss of a friend goes back to being a door stop. Iris then goes over
and with a mighty shove, heaves the plank to the beach. It turns out
the Shiffit is an excellent door stop and holds the door closed long
enough for the party to arm three of the ballistas on the deck. The
beastie beating on the door to get on deck has been reinforced with
additional foot troops. The beastie then earns a place in legend, by
rolling 3 natural 20's in a row, to knock down the door. The door
flies off its hinges. Shiffit the door and the beastie fly through
the air, crashing to the deck 20 feet away, making a deck, Shiffit,
door, beastie sandwich. Shiffit moans. Ballista bolts and arrows
fly as the baddies poor through the door way onto the deck. The
battle rages across the deck of the Celeste. After several rounds of
furious combat, Iris goes down. A round latter, suffering some
attacks of opportunity, Shiffit breaks from his combat and tries to
stabilize Iris and fails. The next round Deaths icy talons grip at
Iris's heart, pulling her soul to him. Shiffit then remembers to
apply pressure where the blood is spurting out, and Iris is
stabilized. The remaining party members finish mopping up the
baddies and this battle is won.
As dawn breaks over the village, it
becomes clear that the villagers have won the day. Zyva returns to
the ship dragging a still unconscious Hesperose. Clarity goes into
town to see if the local priests are willing to raise Bilet from the
dead. The villagers tell the party members that they have faced much
larger forces of baddies in the past, but suffered worse losses this
time. The village elders explain that the new transmorgified
creatures of darkness are faster than the villagers and can hunt down
their citizens as they are seeking the safety of walls and phalanxes
in the village. Krustus, the village leader, acknowledges that the
party must have caused the baddies to launch their attack
prematurely, by cutting off their extra food supply. (with some help
from Sherman “the Ogre”) The gods then smile down on the party
as a 19 is rolled to see how thankfull the villagers are. A 19 is
good enough for one raise dead spell and Billet is reintroduced to
the land of the living.
Clint then hands the reins of running
the campaign over to Ron.