Thursday, August 6, 2015


Hesperose- Scott
Kita-Shawn (not present so Kita spent a lot of time pondering the mysteries of the sea)

Shiffit-clint-Currently running the game.

After all the damage the Celeste had received in the last session, the crew started out with a day of mending and fixing. This proved problematic as repair supplies where in short supply and the lack of applicable skills amongst the crew, but progress was made. Things went better the next day, with a few 'mend' spells from Aramil. It was discovered that the Celeste started taking on a good bit of water, as her timbers had been savagely worked, with the tormenting of the spirits. Shiffit was tasked as being the primary bucket schlep/ bilge pump. Aramil was kind enough to lend his 'bag of holding', which proved far more effective that the bucket Shiffit was using. Hesperose had his mind blown with the utter lack of physics involved. The days went by quickly and some of the party members, who were in the know, started to really really get worried about the approaching storm season. Hesperose, the defacto Capitan, asked Yaher if they were going to make their destination in time. Yaher said, only with extremely favorable winds, and added that there were no other safe places to land in time.
An island was then spotted along there course. Yaher says, “Excellent, I know just were we are now. Captain go ahead and sail well around the Island.” Of course that is exactly what does not happen. After a brief discussion the party chooses to not alter course in the least, as to save time. Yaher comes unglued, yelling and stopping, in a most uncharacteristic sort of way. Calling Hesperose an ass-hat and that he is going to get them all killed and eaten. Clarity and Yaher enter into a discussion about how delicious Yaher must be. Zyva flies ahead to the island and sees a largish war party setting out in canoes, on an intercept course for the Celeste. Zyva (who is flying around inviable) casts an illusion of a sea monster coming up out of the see. The canoes quickly turn around and beat it back to shore. Zyva flies close enough to over hear the islanders. She does not understand their language but is able to get the gist of what they are saying, 'row the flip faster, you flipping nugget'. Realizing that they will very doubtedly make safe harbor before the storms come, the crew sends Zyva to reconnoiter the island. Zyva finds out that the islanders are the sort who,(in the best star-fleet tradition) throw spears and ask questions later. The party chooses to sail on and brave the storms, rather that play 'try not to get killed and eaten' on the island.
The next day a piece of debris is noted, and a slight course correction is made to investigate. A human female is found on the bit of floatsome. Zyva flies out to take a look. Turning visible she introduces herself to the human bobbing along in the water. Belitte(a human female with a high chraisma, very little of it coming from her personality) looks up and sees a flying, be-scaled fey creature, and the most unlikely crew aboard a coastal boat. Seeing that these folks could not possibly be the crew of a boat, Belitte assumes that the lack of food and being in the sun for so many days has finally put the zap on her noggin. She then has a good bit of fun chatting away and letting herself be rescued by the figments of her imagination, often wondering what part of her mind thought up these bizarre creatures/personalities, and why are they asking her so many questions? If they come from her mind shouldn't they already know the answers to their questions?
The next day Belitte starts to believe that this is in fact reality, and is even more perplexed. Yaher continues to inform Hesperose that they are truly deeply screwed, seeing as how the ship is already leaking, and the storms are coming and safe landing is still several days away. Hesperose continues to tell the rest of the party, “every thing is Fine, no problem, don't worry.' That evening the Seas change to flat black, and the crew notes that you don't have to be a oracle to know that is a bad omen. The next morning the the seas are blue again, but towards evening the storms start up. Several days of harrowing sailing ensue. Hesperose makes several sailing rolls which determines how difficult the saving throw is for the Celeste. The fates are truly on the side of the Celeste and her crew for she makes every saving throw, some times just matching the difficulty.
So with some additional damage, the Celeste reaches her destination. Where they find not a true harbor but rollers set out on the beach. Yaher guides the Celeste through the reef and up to the rollers. People on the beach throw up heavy ropes to the crew of the Celeste who look at them in askance. Yaher tells them to secure the cables to the Celeste. The party continues to look at Yaher with blank expressions and no action. Yaher then directs the crew of the Celeste, with many comments on their short comings. If Hesperose had not been completely exhausted, by his days and nights of storm sailing, he would have then realized why Yaher hired his boat. A full size blue water ship would not have been able to use the rollers to be pulled out of the sea and been safe from the stromy weather coming.

1 comment:

  1. Is anyone reading this? Please leave a comment if so.

    Thankers youz.
