Hesperose- Scott
Shiffit-clint-Currently running the game.
Steve -Billet
a random sheep with bell-a would be victim/sacrifice
The intrepid party continues up the mountain, at first afraid of their own shadows but quickly relaxing there guard. As the continue to climb the mountain they are mildly impressed at just how steep the terrain is. They find foot paths criss-crossing the mountain, and flocks scattered about. Sheep and some goats at the lower elevations and then more cattle higher up. They talk to some locals and learn little. The party spends the entire day climbing up, exhausted they ask for shelter at some of the locals huts and are generally told to go and sod off. The party eventually hunkers down behind a stone wall, to at least be out of the wind.
The next day finds the party bickering about who is making breakfast (a running theme in the party) then climbing up the mountain again. Just before (the traditional) 11:00 in the afternoon, the party comes to the bottom of a 20' cliff. A quick reconnoiter finds a cut in the cliff and the party scales the cliff hoisting up the extremely reluctant sheep. They find a very different land scape at the top of the cliff. The top of the mountain is mostly flat and is a maze of mesas and canyons, which is shrouded in fog. Zyva states that she will scout ahead letting the rest of the party after the climb. Zyva, flies ahead invisible, and finds a good bit of 'cow sign'. She does an impressive scouting job, and is damned lucky, when her ears pick up a strange rumbling music. Sneaking forward she finds a truly Colossal humanoid playing his didgeridoo, which is not a tree, but the cave system of the mountain its self.
Zyva flies back to the party, once again luckily finding her way, and tells them that the Ogre is over 40 feet tall, has eyes where its ears should be and great antenna/funnels on the top of its head. Billet states that finally she has found a worthy opponent, causing Zyva to question her grip on reality even more. The party bravely/ foolishly goes fourth to meet the 'Ogre'. When they meet the Ogre they demonstrate a un-before seen level of wisdom and engage in friendly parley. They learn that “Long Ago” the one who created the 'Ogre' placed him at the top of this volcano and told him to wait for his return. And that is what he has done, spending the untold centuries in cloud study and playing his music. Recently “little ones” have come, mostly they leave him alone, which is good. A few come up and bother him. They party learns that the Ogre tosses the bodies and equipment of those that bother him into his pissoir. A few of the party members, lead by Hesperose, goes and snoops about the Ogre's cave. Finding the pissoir they set aside all since of hygiene and deeply assault their senses of smells and rummage through the detritus, finding generally rot and corrosion. As if by magic, two things are not destroyed by the horrors of the Ogre's micturition. Apiece of red cloth 24” square and a spear head. Hesperose asks the Ogre if they can take these items with them. The Ogre agrees but askes that the party leave some of there weapons in the pissoir, as to have fewer weapons out causing pain in the world.
The party eventually gets around to asking after why the Ogre has been eating the cows of the Islanders. The Ogre states that his cows have been going missing and since there is nobody else on the island with cows, that they must be taking them. The party offers to find out where his cows are going and take their leave with the Ogre's blessing. They party once again demonstrates shockingly good luck and finds a cave entrance cleverly hidden behind some bushes. Following the cow tracks they wind their way through the labyrinthine cave system, having a brief scuffle with some spiders of unusually large size.
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