Monday, March 21, 2016

First meetings

Aramil- Eric (not present)
Clarity- Mija
Hesperose- Scott
Kita- Shawn (not present)
Shiffit- clint-Currently running the game.
Zyva- Ron
Billet- Steve
Iris- Mark G.
Yaher- NPC
a random sheep with bell-would be victim/sacrifice

This evening's game starts out with the reading of the last session's blog. Mija starts out reading but is to overcome with emotion to continue on, Mark picks up the fallen banner of blog reading and dramatically carries on.
The party assess their wounds from the conflict with the spiders of unusual size, (which mostly entails trying to remember what happened). The party then continues down the winding passages, they come to a few branches, but continue to follow the cow sign/ tracks. After a full day and a half of marching the party attempts to find a defensible location to camp, sparking debate about multiple exits vs. avenues of attack. The oracle (Clarity) is quickly pulled into the debate and is asked to use her connection to the gods to help resolve the debate. Which starts a more heated and amusing debate about the validity of the oracle.
Zyva scouts down one of the side passages, and if she were not flying would have been climbing down a step chimney; and sees a small reptilian green orange dog like creature climbing up. Zyva flying invisible and quietly manages to slip passed the creature unnoticed. Once on the other side of the small creature (close to Zyva's size) they enter into a discussion, where each tries to convince the other of just how powerful and afraid the other should be of them. After much posturing, Iris continues her climb up the passage and meets the rest of the party, prompting Iris to comment that this must just be the scouting party of Zyva's afore mention army of 600. Iris then spots Clarity and runs to embrace her, exclaiming that she has followed the oracles advice and that her pronouncements have lead her to these caves, and much struggle. Clarity states that this was all the will of the gods, and that Iris was supposed to meet back up with Clarity as to be her guardian. Iris states that she will do her mighty best to do her duty. Which of course sparks another round of debate. After much discussion and more marching the party eventually settles down for some much need rest.
The next day's marching finds the amount of forks along the path start to really increase, but the main path continues to be quite obvious. The party has their first encounter with the, small, black, pointy eared, red eyed, fanged creatures that may be raiding the Ogre's live stock. The creatures drop rocks on the party from hidden holes in the roof of a passage, some 25 feet up. Those few that have shields raise them as cover for all, and the party attempts to walk through the ambush. Clarity is donked on the noggin and stunned, falling to the ground. The rest of the party simply walks across with out difficulty, leaving Clarity sprawled out and subject to more falling rocks, sparking cries of protest from the fallen oracle. Billet gallantly uses her shield to go back and cover the oracle's crossing. After a brief examination of the murder holes in the ceiling BILLET SENDS A MIGHTY THUNDERCLAP AT THE BEINGS AND THEN the party continues on. The party had been looking out for traps and ambushes before and these efforts are increased.
The next ambush is more obvious and is easily spotted by Zyva, who has been flying ahead of the party using her invisibility. The passage's left wall falls away into a chasm. The wall on the other side of the chasm has a long low window cut into it. Zyva, trying to fly very quietly, explores the window and sees the 60 would be attackers, armed with mostly slings and two large pintle mounted and crewed crossbows. The party is duly warned and a plan hatched. Zyva attacks invisibly with her bow, quickly moving after her attack. The slingers let go with a volley of fire trying to hit there invisible attacker, with some results. The party then attempts to cross kill zone. A heavy bolt/harpoon is fired at the party and misses, sticking into the stone wall on the right. A rope is attached the the bolt/harpoon which is meant to pull the impaled victim in the chasm. Zyva lets go with her breath weapon of fire on the crew of one of the cross bows. With some harrowing moments the party makes in past the killing zone and hurries on. Just one bend past the attack the hurrying party comes to a abrupt stop as Iris fall in to a pit trap, and is impaled on 5 of the stakes at the bottom. Still barely conscious (0 hp) Iris moans in agony as her body starts to slide down the stakes she is impaled on. A cry goes out for a medic/ some healing. The party members all look at each other in a bit of a loss. After a pregnant pause Billet steps forward and says that if the party is relying on her for healing they are all screwed. Billet is able to use her divine healing and UN-impale Iris without causing her death. Zyva, who had been continuing to harass the attackers at the window, rejoins the party and points out that the party has lost the element of surprise and now has enemies at their front and rear.

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