Thursday, March 31, 2016

And the cook too

Aramil- Eric (not present)
Clarity- Mija
Hesperose- Scott
Kita- Shawn
Shiffit- Clint-Currently running the game.
Zyva- Ron
Billet- Steve
Iris- Mark G.
Yaher- NPC

(Clairty saw it all coming, and her plan worked; the end.) The blog as written by Mija.
As typical, the gaming session starts out with the reading of last weeks blog and a reef of criticism reguarding my abuses of the English language. Steve also points out I left out the best part of last sessions game, where Bilet blasted the baddies at their own murder holes with divine noise.
The party picks it way past the pit trap, and continues winding their way down the passages. After some time the party comes to a large cavern. Zyva bravely scouts ahead, still flying invisibly. She spots a few scouts, hiding behind stalagmites, and largish groups of baddies set to encircle the party once they get into the cavern. Zyva flies back and reports. The party starts to try to hash out a plan. Zyva then enlarges herself to medium size, and with her permission picks up Iris and they fly into the cavern. Iris being visible quickly becomes a target and they retreat to the rest of the party in the passage. The party retires 45 minutes back up the passage to rest up for the night and heal.
The next day the party comes back to find the passage leading to the large cavern blocked with a pile of stones. The party, with some opposition, clears a hole. Zyva tries to fly through the hole and is nailed with a spear and falls back. But her second attempt is successful. Zyva then has a go at the baddies on her own with arrows and her greater invisibility. The baddies, having been attacked by an invisible Zyva before, are now ready and proceed to toss around bags of dust where the arrows are coming from, with minimal results. Having taken a few hits, and seeing that there are more baddies that she has arrows Zyva heads back to meet with the rest of the party, who have been discussing what there plan should be. After a good amount of debate about; what are the motivations and goals of the party, both small and bigger picture, the party decides to try another route altogether. The party having decided to head back, were discussing what kind of note to leave for Zyva, when she makes a dramatic entrance. The oracle is then given lead to pick the rout, and leads the the party to the surface. Once on the surface of the mountain island, the party faces little (none) opposition and hikes over to where some of the caves open up and smoke is coming out. The party finds the baddies smoke house where one of the baddies is supervising the smoking fires. The party captures the cook and a cow's head as evidence for the Ogre. They carry the cook and evidence back to the Ogre (which they name Sherman) Once back, Sherman listens to their tale and promptly; squishes the baddie cook with a finger and heads off. The party points out the cave opening where the baddies have been getting Sherman's cows from, Sherman blocks that passage with a 20' diameter bolder. Once down the mountain Sherman savages the cave openings, collapsing the openings, and impressing the party with his destructive power. On their way back up the mountain, Sherman agrees to leave the villagers herds alone as they were not the ones stealing his cattle. As a reward for finding the rustlers of his cattle, Sherman gives the party a tree to use to fix the broken knees in there boat.
With some minor incidents, stemming from the villagers trying to kill Iris on sight, the party makes it down to the village, and their boat, the Celeste.
Little did the party know that the DM had bag after ever increasingly horrible bag of evil tricks to play on them as long as the were blithely walking into this underground community.

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